How to Transfer Large Amounts of Money to Thailand

Many people need to send a lot of money to Thailand. There are lots of reasons why, but not a lot of solutions for the problem. Where using banks, the fees are usually exorbitant, making the transfer more trouble than it’s worth.

Whether it’s for business, investment, or family, we understand these bigger transfers are very important. In this article, we explore why people send large amounts of money to Thailand, and find you a solution you probably didn’t know existed.

Why do People Transfer Large Amounts of Money to Thailand?

There are many reasons why people need to send large amounts of funds to Thailand, so let’s take a look at some of those.

  • Business: Sending money to Thailand to grow your business is crucial. Whether it be paying your employees, buying new equipment, or expanding, money is needed to cover all expenses. This can often be ten of thousands of dollars at the same time. If you wish to do this, you need to find a solution that makes it possible. Many companies make it impossible to send such large amounts in single transfers.
  • Investment in real estate: Thailand is in the midst of a significant property growth period. With so many appealing cities and landscapes, investors are beginning to take advantage of this growth. Whether it be for family, portfolio expansion, or business, purchasing property in Thailand is becoming an increasingly attractive option for investors.
  • Retirement: Thailand has many serene, beautiful areas that are particularly appealing for those moving into retirement. Whether it be Bangkok, Phuket or Koh Samui, Thailand offers a lifestyle perfect for retirees.
  • Education: Many people have children studying in Thailand. You can cover their educational expenses, whether they need you to cover their fees, rent or food.

Making Large Transfers to Thailand Possible

We now understand some of the reasons people are sending large amounts of money to Thailand. Let’s take a look at why you might do the same, and what might hold you back.

First, there is no doubt that you want transfers to be a hassle-free process. And we understand. How many times have you tried to transfer money, and you suddenly have to provide the same form for a second time? Or the KYC doesn’t work? Or you need some information from the company and you can’t get through to them on the phone? Or they want to take large fees when you transfer. Or they will only allow you to transfer $2000 at a time. We could go on…

The point is, you want your transfers to Thailand to be smooth, safe and secure. If you can find a company that allows all of those things, you will likely use them.

Of course, if you want to send large amounts to Thailand, you’ll still have an issue with most, or nearly all, remittance companies. Some banks and most remittance companies will help you send money to Thailand, but only in small amounts. The limit is usually $2000 dollars, so if you need to make large investments, quickly, your options are very limited. That’s where e-Pocket comes in.

At e-Pocket, we pride ourselves on finding a way to get those large transfers through. We offer transparency, security and even a dedicated account manager. Need to send hundreds of thousands of dollars to Thailand? No worries. Give us a call. You’ll talk to a real person, who will keep you informed every step of the way. We’ll get your transfer done in large installments, without absurdly high or hidden fees.

So, how is this possible? Well, most banks and smaller remittance companies simply find it too much work. Larger transfers require a lot of paperwork, which means dedicating time and effort into your transfer. As we’re sure you know, these types of companies usually prefer not giving their time to you. You know this, because you’ve had experiences like ignored emails, long wait times on the phone, rejected and cancelled transfers and huge fees. We understand that. So we make it our mission to give you a smoother transfer experience, so you can get your funds overseas quickly and efficiently. We don’t believe in wasting your time, so we dedicate our time to you.

Send Large Sums of Money to Thailand with e-Pocket

Ultimately, when you send money to Thailand, you want to know a few things.

You want to know that your money is safe, so you can take care of all your expenses, stress free.

You want to know your money will get there in a reasonable amount of time, not waiting endlessly for your transfer to go through, only to find out there was some “unexpected error”.

And you want to be able to send your money through in large blocks. $2000 at a time just isn’t good enough if you need to send hundreds of thousands of dollars to Thailand. e-Pocket specialise in these larger transfers to Thailand, while maintaining exceptional exchange rates and low fees. You can take care of your expenses, hassle-free.

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